Charles Frazier was born on November 4, 1950, in Asheville, North Carolina. Frazier graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1973, and received a Master of Arts (M.A.) postgraduate degree in 1975 from Appalachian State. After this, in 1986, Frazier received his Ph.D. in English from the University South Carolina, where he was praised by his professors for giving very deep and insightful opinions of writings. He then decided to teach English part-time, until he wrote the book Cold Mountain, and then retired.
Charles Frazier has written two other books, both after his award-winning bestseller Cold Mountain. The first was Thirteen Moons, released in 2006, which was the story of the removal of Cherokee Indians in the state of Oklahoma, during the Civil War. Nightwoods was published earlier this year, and was Frazier's 3rd novel. It is his only novel not set during the Civil War, and is about a woman who must protect her deceased sister's children from suffering the same fate as their mother.
Charles Frazier has a unique writing style, which usually involves great detail. He likes to describe nearly every situation in deep detail, and makes his dialogues almost seem like a song at some points in his novel Cold Mountain. He also makes sure to make the book seem as though you are truly in that time period, using very specific descriptive words and older names for every day items. "I was interested in several things in the language of the book. One was: I was creating this historical, fictional world, and I wanted the language of the book to create a sense of otherness, of another world, one that the reader doesn't entirely know." -Charles Frazier.
Charles Frazier currently has no more scheduled publishings of books, but there could still be another book on the horizon, considering that Frazier's books generally take a great deal of time to write.